On Saturday night I had my niece for sleep over at my house. She came when we came back from our family meeting. We saw my brother and my mum told my sister to text him to tell him to follow us. Then he said, “Yes.” So he followed us to our house.
When we got there I was so happy that my niece came over. My brother asked if I could sleep over at his house on Sunday to help my brother’s is girlfriend with my niece. My mum said, “Yes.” When it was Sunday I woke up and my niece was already awake so I make weet-bix for her breakfast because my mum had to look for her church clothes. Then when it was time to go to church I dressed her up for church.
My mum was busy doing the food so I had to dress her up and do her hair. When church was finished I came home and called my brother and he came to pick us up from our house. I love looking after my niece.